Debunking All Study Abroad Myths (and more)

4 min readOct 13, 2021


Image by Rocky Scotty from Unsplash

Many of us wish to study in foreign countries. The prospect of walking into an international university campus and experiencing a new country is both terrifying and thrilling. Many people have the opportunity to realise their dreams and achieve a lot, but others never try. It can be difficult to make such an important decision, and these frequent study abroad fallacies don’t help. We’ve refuted all of the most common ones to clear the air. Let’s have a look at them now.

Myth 1: Studying abroad is just a big party holiday

Some students are more active in finding a reason to get away from home and have a vacation than studying abroad. As this list of perks of studying abroad demonstrates, living overseas can be so much more. It’s one of the most popular myths and misunderstandings about studying abroad. It is totally up to you to gain independence, discover new cultures and languages, expand your knowledge, and build global perspectives.

The ideal study abroad experience will be finding a happy medium between fun and learning, socialising and studying. You will have an excellent international experience that will grow you as an individual.

Myth 2: It’s only something that the rich can do!

It can be your neighbourhood or all across the world, studying anywhere in a good university can be expensive. So why not go a little extra mile and study abroad? And the good news is that studying abroad has become inexpensive. Students can be a part of popular universities where tuition is free and even the top universities have easier access for foreign students. The statement that you have to be rich to be a part of a foreign university is a myth. Today even average income group students are going ahead and attending some of the best courses all across the world.

Many colleges have scholarships especially for international students and loans (if you prefer that).

Myth 3: Making friends is the hardest part!

One of the most common study abroad myths is that you cannot make friends. Yes, the culture is different, the people are foreign but that’s the exciting part. Also, it might be easier for some to make friends whereas some may face difficulties. And to counter this, many universities today offer groups and student volunteers who make the international students feel comfortable. There are college societies and organizations made especially for this. So you don't have to stress about initiating any kind of conversation with strangers and get caught up in an unwanted interaction.

There are also weekend plans organised by these societies to make everyone feel comfortable and at home (at least).

Myth 4: Must know the language of the destination country

One of the silliest myths is that you must know the language of that nation. But it is not true! So many students are worried about choosing a country because they don’t know the language. Today, with globalisation many universities are inculcated English-taught courses in their curricula. The reason behind this is that many international colleges are emphasising attracting international students. This is why English-taught programmes are becoming more and more common. Having said that, it is also alright if you know a few phrases of the native country, it will help you to interact with the locals and will only make your journey easy.

But mostly, it is not a mandate.

Myth 5: Studying Abroad is not safe

This is a very common misconception between parents of the students when they wish to send their children abroad. Although some countries are safer than the other ones, this should not be your primary consideration when making a study abroad decision.

Most colleges today have a very exhaustive and extensive procedure to assist international students to settle down and feel comfortable. Whether it is finding accommodation or getting advice on public transport. They help you with all the nitty-grits. Any excellent college will be able to help you with all the necessary details that will make your study abroad journey safe and fun! From your end, just do your homework right on the country you wish to study in and if possible just visit the place and university before understanding the culture.


There were just a handful of myths that we chose to debunk since they were super common. But well, there are many. Just make sure that before believing anything you must do your research and learn the facts yourself. Do not blindly believe and follow anything that people say. Sometimes even the people who have visited that country might be wrong because their experience was different. Fact-checking is the key!

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